"Bakery puzzle" Privacy Policy

This policy only applies to the "Bakery puzzle" products of Shanghai CodeCrafters Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as " we " ).

Last update date: Mar 21 , 2023

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact us through the following contact information: 184283948@qq.com

This Privacy Policy will help you understand the following:

1. Rules for the collection and use of personal information related to business functions

2. How we collect and use your information

3. How we store and protect personal information

4. Information we may share, transfer and disclose

5. Important permissions required by our products

6. Your rights

7. Users with whom you share information

8. Personal information legally exempted from the collection and use of consent

9. Protection of minors

10. How users manage information

11. Sensitive Information

12. Modification of Privacy Policy

13. How to contact us

We are well aware of the importance of personal information to you and will do our best to protect your personal information safe and secure. We are committed to maintaining your trust in us and abide by the following principles to protect your personal information: the principle of consistency of rights and responsibilities, the principle of clear purpose, the principle of choice and consent, the principle of minimum necessity, the principle of ensuring security, the principle of subject participation, the principle of openness and transparency, etc. At the same time, we promise that we will adopt corresponding security protection measures to protect your personal information in accordance with the mature security standards in the industry. Please read and understand this Privacy Policy carefully before using our products or services

We formulate this " Privacy Policy " and special reminder: I hope you read and understand this Privacy Policy carefully before using "Bakery puzzle" and related services, so as to make appropriate choices, use or access our applications or our services , you agree to our collection, use, storage and sharing of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

1. Rules for the collection and use of personal information related to business functions

( 1 ) We will collect your product behavior information (login, browse, click, etc.) for registration and account creation, one-click product login, data statistical analysis, and customer service complaint handling.

( 2 ) Our local storage function and functional experience are optimized. Under the authorization of you providing device read and write permissions, your commonly used device information (device name, network type, operating system, etc.) will be collected in order to provide you with local data Storage service and better product optimization experience service.

( 3 ) We obtain your device information ( MAC , etc.) in the silent / background state, which is the need for functional scenarios within the APP . For details, please refer to 2.4 Third-Party Websites and Services and the List of Third-Party Shared Information on the "Bakery puzzle" APP .

( 4 ) For more information collection, please refer to the express list of personal information collected by the "Bakery puzzle" APP :

"Bakery puzzle" APP collects an explicit list of personal information

( 5 ) For details on information collection, please refer to: 2. How we collect and use your information.

2. How we collect and use your information

We will collect the information you actively provide when you use the service, and collect the information you generate in the process of using the function or accepting the service through automated means in the following ways:

1. Register and log in

We currently provide the function of directly logging in to use the Bakery puzzle software, and may obtain your device information ( MAC , etc.) to facilitate the follow-up of the product experience.

2. Improve the normal operation of products, security software and related services

In order to improve the product, provide services and ensure the normal operation of the product, and at the same time to prevent the malicious use of the product by the robot, the basic information that we must collect includes: the hardware model of your device, the operating system version number, the International Mobile Device Identification Number ( IMEI ), network device hardware address ( MAC ), IP address, software version number, network access method and type, operation log, device status, and information storage. The above information will be stored in the territory of the People's Republic of China. Individual device information cannot identify a specific natural person, and we have de-identified and anonymized such information. If you refuse to provide this information, this product may only provide you with limited services, but it will not affect your use of other functions of this product.

3. Permissions required for third-party authorized partners to provide services

We may cooperate with third-party authorized partners such as data analysis service providers, etc., based on the permission of these partners to collect information when providing services, in the section " III . Information we may share, transfer and disclose " below. In this chapter, the corresponding permissions that may be obtained and the information collected are clearly explained, please read and understand carefully.

3. How do we store and protect information

(1) The location and time of information storage

We only retain your information for the period necessary for the purposes described in this "Privacy Policy" and for the time limit required by laws and regulations. The information we collect and generate during our operations in the People's Republic of China is stored in China. Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or special requirements of law enforcement agencies, we will retain your personal information for the shortest period within the scope of the law and the period required to achieve the purpose described in this Privacy Policy. After the above period is exceeded, we will delete it. Your personal information or anonymize your personal information.

(2) Information protection methods

1. We will use reasonable and feasible means such as encryption technology and anonymization to protect the stored information, and use security protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on the stored information. And establish a special security department, security management system, data security process to ensure the stored information.

2. Although the above reasonable and effective measures have been taken and the standards required by relevant laws and regulations have been complied with, please understand that due to technical limitations and various malicious means that may exist, it is impossible to always guarantee 100% information security. We will do our best to ensure the security of the personal information you provide to us. This software takes the protection of your information very seriously. We do not collect personally identifiable information, and we employ administrative, physical, and technical means designed to protect your non-personally identifiable information from unauthorized access and use. Please note that we guarantee to provide information security protection measures, but there is no absolute guarantee that your non-personally identifiable information can be prevented from being accessed and used without authorization.

3. Please note: Once you leave the software and browse or use other websites, services and content resources, we will not have the ability and direct obligation to protect any personal information you submit in software and websites other than this software and related services. , regardless of whether you log in, browse or use the above software, whether the website is based on the link or guidance of " this software " .

4. Information we may share, transfer and disclose

1. Conditions for sharing information

We will not share your personal information with any other companies, organizations and individuals, except in the following cases:

1.1 Obtain your express consent or authorization in advance.

1.2 Shared in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, the requirements of legal procedures, mandatory administrative or judicial requirements.

1.3 Sharing with authorized partners: Only for the purposes stated in this policy, some of our services will be jointly provided by us and authorized partners. We may share certain information about you with our partners to provide better customer service and user experience. We will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes, and only share personal information necessary to provide services. Our partners are not authorized to use the shared personal information for other purposes unrelated to the product or service.

2. Sharing information with authorized partners

2.1 Information sharing based on third-party analysis service partners

We partner with third-party analytics service companies to help us serve you better. Third-party analysis service companies include Shumeng, Youmeng, Tencent Bugly , etc., and may collect unique device identification codes (such as IMEI/android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID , SIM card IMSI information), IP address, device model, operating system and other information, so as to conduct data statistics such as user additions, the frequency of users using the application, the events triggered during the application process, provide basic anti-cheat functions, eliminate cheating devices, correct users’ geographical distribution data, and make report data More accurate, analyze the crash data of the application on different devices to judge the stability of the application, etc. We collect and use such analytics information in conjunction with analytics information collected from other users, which cannot be used to identify any specific individual user.

2.2 Third Party Websites and Services

(1) We may provide some links to third-party websites (such as Baidu) in the program to serve our users. This site may also feature advertisements from other companies. When you click on a third-party link in the application, service, you may leave the application, service. We do not collect your information and this Privacy Policy does not address and are not responsible for the privacy policies of third-party websites, whether or not those websites are associated with the Software.

( 2 ) We may directly provide users with third-party information services (such as Baidu content services, etc.) within the program, and we will provide users with device information (such as device brand, system version, device size, etc.) according to the requirements of the third party. IMEI , etc.) so that third parties can better serve users, and third parties will collect and use this information in accordance with their privacy policies.

"Bakery puzzle" APP third-party shared information list

(1) Business scenario: data storage; purpose of collection: to store some local data generated by users; collection method: APP collection; personal information field: device read and write permissions;

(2) Business scenario: normal service; purpose of collection: normal operation of functions and optimization of product experience; collection method: APP collection; personal information fields: commonly used device information, network identification information and network environment information

(3) Business scenario: user log; purpose of collection: data statistical analysis, customer service complaint handling; collection method: APP collection; personal information fields: login log, activity log

(4) Business Scenario: Account Abnormal; Collection Purpose: Eliminate local network failures and provide targeted network services; Collection method: APP collection; Personal information field: IP address

(5) Business scenario: problem feedback; collection purpose: customer service complaint handling; collection method: user input; personal information field: contact information such as phone number, email address, etc.

5. Important permissions required by our products

Below are all the important permissions that this application may request, these permissions are necessary for this application to perform certain functions, and your consent will be expressly obtained before use.

The third-party services and applications integrated in this application will request and use relevant permissions in accordance with their own privacy policies to provide software services normally.

1. Read and modify the contents of the storage device

Bakery puzzle uses this permission to store the resources of the running program on the device, and read it when needed to ensure the normal operation of the program. We promise that we will not save or upload any file content. We promise that we will not disclose your privacy to anyone or third party interest information.

2. Read phone status information

Bakery puzzle collects your mobile phone status information to ensure the accuracy of account information and mobile phone information, and prevent malicious use of software.

3. Read phone log information

Bakery puzzle collects your log information to analyze product performance. This analytical data is only used to improve product optimization and provide better service to users.

6. Your rights

1. Cancellation of account and deletion of your personal information

Your account may be cancelled or deleted if you violate the terms of Bakery puzzle's user service agreement and relevant national laws and regulations. When the account is cancelled or deleted, all service materials and data related to the account and under the single service will be deleted or processed in accordance with the service agreement of the single service. Please give your full understanding. If the user needs to cancel the account, he can send a request to us by email ( 184283948@qq.com ). We will cancel the user account and stop related services after receiving the user's request . All relevant information will be cleared within 24 hours after the cancellation application.

The personal information described in this Privacy Policy, unless explicitly stated, has been desensitized at the time of collection, belongs to anonymous information, and is not associated with a specific natural person. Third parties collect personal information in accordance with their privacy policies and desensitize them as needed, and are not bound by this privacy policy.

In the following cases, you may request us to delete personal information by mail :

1. If our processing of personal information violates laws and regulations ;

2. If we collect and use your personal information without your consent ;

3. If our handling of personal information violates our agreement with you ;

4. If you no longer use our products or services, or you cancel your account ;

5. If we no longer provide you with products or services.

If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entities that have obtained your personal information from us and require them to delete it in a timely manner, unless otherwise required by laws and regulations, or these entities obtain your independent authorization. When you delete information from our service, we may not delete the corresponding information from the backup system immediately, but will delete the information when the backup is updated. We will complete the above operations within 24 hours.

2. Change the scope of your authorization and consent

Each business function requires some basic personal information to be completed. For the collection and use of additionally collected personal information, you may give or withdraw your consent at any time.

You can do it yourself by:

Send us a request by mail.

When you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the previous processing of personal information based on your authorization.

7. Users with whom you share information

We have no control over the actions of other users with whom you share information. We cannot and will never control your use of applications, services, websites (including through forums) to share information with other users, or how other users may use or share this information. The software is not responsible for information leakage caused by third parties circumventing our security measures.

8. Personal information legally exempted from the collection and use of consent

Please understand that in the following cases, according to laws and regulations and relevant national standards, we do not need your authorization and consent to collect and use your personal information:

1. Those directly related to national security and national defense security;

2. Those directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

3. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

4. In order to protect the life and property of the personal information subject or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual;

5. Your personal information collected is disclosed to the public by you;

6. Your personal information collected from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

7. Necessary to conclude or perform a contract at your request;

8. Necessary for legitimate news reporting;

9. When it is necessary for academic research institutions to carry out statistical or academic research based on public interests, and when providing the results of academic research or description, the personal information contained in the results is de-identified;

10. Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

9. Protection of minors

1. This software service is mainly for adults. Our products, websites and services are primarily aimed at adults. If you are a minor under the age of 18 , before using our products and / or services, you should read this guide accompanied by your guardian, and you should ensure that you have obtained the consent of your guardian to use our services and submit to We provide your information. We will focus on protecting the personal information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.

2. If you are under the age of 14 , please do not try to use our products or send us any information about yourself. Use of our Apps or Services requires you to be at least 14 years old, and we recommend that minors 14 years of age or older obtain parental permission before sending any information about themselves to anyone on the Internet.

3. If your guardian does not agree that you use our services or provide us with information in accordance with these guidelines, please stop using our services immediately and notify us in time.

4. For the collection of minors' personal information with the consent of parents or legal guardians, we will only use or publicly disclose this information when permitted by law, expressly consented by parents or guardians, or necessary to protect minors.

5. If you are the guardian of a minor, when you have any questions about the use of our services by the minor under your guardianship or the user information provided to us, please contact us in time. We will protect the confidentiality and security of minor user information in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and the provisions of this guideline. If we discover that we have collected personal information from minors without the prior consent of a verifiable parent or legal guardian, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.

10. How users manage information

1. To access, correct and delete, you can view your system authorization list through " System Settings " - " Apps " - " App Management " - " Permissions " - " Green Cleanup Expert " (different operating systems and system versions may view it differently. ), you can also freely decide the granting status of various permissions; you need to check your personal information generated in the process of using Green Cleanup Expert, and we will provide it to you upon reasonable request. Access, correct or delete your personal information through the above methods, or you can contact us by email at 184283948@qq.com , we will reply you within 15 working days.

2. Turn off or withdraw authorization You can turn off storage permission, location permission, WIFI permission, camera permission, change the scope of authorization or withdraw your authorization in the " Permission Management " of the device's own operating system. Certain obligatory functions and services will require your information to be completed. When you withdraw your consent or authorization, we cannot continue to provide you with the functions and services corresponding to the withdrawal of consent or authorization, nor process your corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect our previous processing of personal information based on your authorization.

3. Complaints You can make a complaint or report according to the contact information of our company. If you think your personal information rights may be infringed, or find clues about infringing your personal information rights, you can contact us through the contact information below the Privacy Policy, and we will feedback your complaint within 15 working days after verification. report.

4. We use the following third-party SDKs in the APP , and collect personal user information in strict accordance with the requirements. The specific SDKs are as follows:

SDK name: Umeng SDK :

Type of Service: Statistical Analysis

Types of personal information collected: IMEI , IMSI , MAC address, precise location information ( GPS ) Users collect information such as user additions

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.umeng.com/page/policy

Company: Youmeng Tongxin (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.

SDK name: Pangolin SDK

Type of service: used to optimize advertising performance

Types of personal information collected: IMEI , IMSI , MAC address, precise location information ( GPS )

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.pangle.cn/privacy

Company: Beijing Giant Engine Network Technology Co., Ltd.

SDK name: Tencent Advertising SDK

Type of service: used to optimize advertising performance

Types of personal information collected: IMEI , IMSI , MAC address, precise location information ( GPS )

Privacy Policy Link: https://imgcache.qq.com/gdt/cdn/adn/uniondoc/contract.html

Company: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.

SDK name: Baiqingteng SDK

Type of service: used to optimize advertising performance

Types of personal information collected: IMEI , IMSI , MAC address, application list

Privacy Policy Link: http://privacy.baidu.com/detail?id=288Baidu Times Network Technology ( Beijing ) Co., Ltd.

SDK name: Kuaishou Alliance SDK

Type of service: used to optimize advertising performance

Types of personal information collected: IMEI , IMSI , MAC address, precise location information ( GPS )

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.kuaishou.com/about/policy?tab=privacy

Company: Beijing Kuaishou Advertising Co., Ltd.

SDK name: Tencent Bugly SDK

Type of Service: Statistical Analysis

Types of personal information collected: permission to access the network, permission to read the unique ID of the device , permission to access network status, permission to write to external storage, permission to install apps , permission to allow programs to obtain task information, permission to read the underlying system logs.

Privacy Policy Link: https://privacy.qq.com/

Company: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.

SDK name: Digital Alliance Trusted ID SDK

Type of Service: Statistical Analysis

In order to identify and feedback the authenticity of the device, detect the mobile device with the risk of fraud and cheating, and ensure that your legitimate interests are not illegally violated. The service provider Beijing Digital Alliance Network Technology Co., Ltd. provides us with trusted ID data verification services. The service provider will independently collect device manufacturer, device model, system version, application list information, MAC address ( iOS system does not collect), Unique device identification code ( the iOS system does not collect IMEI and unauthorized IDFA ) and network status information and other information describing the basic situation of the device to complete relevant identification, detection and feedback. The company has passed the national information system security three-level protection evaluation and filing, ISO 27001 information security management system standard certification and ISO 27701 information security and privacy management system standard certification, which can effectively ensure your information security.

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.shuzilm.cn/privacy.html

Company: Beijing Digital Alliance Network Technology Co., Ltd.

11. Sensitive Information

We ask that you do not send us any sensitive personal information (such as ethnicity, political opinions, religious beliefs, health, sexual orientation, criminal background, etc.).

12. Modification of Privacy Policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time according to the requirements of national laws and regulations and business development needs. If we decide to change the Privacy Policy, we will provide you with an update notice according to the specific circumstances. If you confirm to receive the changed content, you can continue to use the services provided by this software normally. If you do not agree to the changed privacy agreement, please do not click to confirm or continue to use the software and services. Your continued use of this software service after the posting of changes to the new Privacy Policy will mean your acceptance of those changes.


If you have any questions or comments about this policy or our Privacy Policy. Or if you would like to report a privacy policy violation or misuse of the app, service or website, please contact us. Our contact email is:

184283948@qq.com . For all your contacts and requests, we generally respond within 15 working days.